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Japanese Classes

The Miyazaki International Foundation supports the study of Japanese in Miyazaki Prefecture.

・Japanese language classes (Nihongo kōza), where participants learn from teachers and textbooks ※Also available online!

・Local Japanese language classes (chīki nihongo kyōshitsu), where participants can learn Japanese through interacting with people who live in their local area.

We are also able to introduce people who are unable to make it to classes to volunteer Japanese teachers.

Click here for more information about volunteer matching

Japanese language classes
Local Japanese language classes
volunteer matching

Please contact us by phone or email if you would like further information about Japanese language classes or volunteer teachers.

Miyazaki International Foundation
Tel: 0985-32-8457 E-mail:

※Information on the classes is available below:

Organized by Miyazaki International Foundation

April 2024 〜

Hinata Japanese Classes Online *Beginner Level 1

OrganizerMiyazaki Prefectural Government
Miyazaki International Foundation
LocationOnline(using Zoom)
ContactMiyazaki International Foundation
Tel:0985-32-8457 /
Studying with a Japanese teacher using the textbook “Ippo Nihongo Sanpo Beginner1”
The course consists of 31 lessons.
Course Materials FeeFree
※Participants will need to buy their own textbooks.(2,640yen)
Classroom formatGroup class (about 7 people)
※Classes will be taught by a Japanese language teacher.
TaegetPeople from overseas living in Miyazaki who:
・Are just starting to study Japanese for the first time
・Would like to learn from the basics of Hiragana and Katakana
Dates & TimesTwice a year
①June 12th ~ September 27th Wednesday&Friday
13:30pm ~ 15:30pm

② Classes for the second semester are yet to be decided.
Homepage Online Japanese Language Course using Zoom | Hinata Nihongo Navi (English) (

Hinata Japanese Classes Online *Beginner Level 2

OrganizerMiyazaki Prefectural Government
Miyazaki International Foundation
LocationOnline(using Zoom)
ContactMiyazaki International Foundation
Tel:0985-32-8457 /
Studying with a Japanese teacher using the textbook “Ippo Nihongo Sanpo Beginner2”
The course consists of 31 lessons.
Course Materials FeeFree
※Participants will need to buy their own textbooks.(2,640yen)
Classroom formatGroup class (about 7 people)
※Classes will be taught by a Japanese language teacher.
TaegetPeople from overseas living in Miyazaki who:
・Can read Hiragana and Katakana
Dates & TimesTwice a year
①June 11th ~ September 26th Tuesday&Thursday
10:00am ~ 12:00pm

② Classes for the second semester are yet to be decided.
Homepage Online Japanese Language Course using Zoom | Hinata Nihongo Navi (English) (

Hinata Japanese Classes Online *Beginner Level 3

OrganizerMiyazaki Prefectural Government
Miyazaki International Foundation
LocationOnline(using Zoom)
ContactMiyazaki International Foundation
Tel:0985-32-8457 /
Studying with a Japanese teacher using the textbook “Ippo Nihongo Sanpo Beginner3”
The course consists of 2 orientations session and 30 lessons.
Course Materials FeeFree
※Participants will need to buy their own textbooks.(2,640yen)
Classroom formatGroup class (about 7 people)
※Classes will be taught by a Japanese language teacher.
TaegetPeople from overseas living in Miyazaki who:
・Can read and write Hiragana and Katakana
・Can make basic conversation
Dates & Times Twice a year
①June 12th ~ September 27th Wednesday&Friday
10:00am ~ 12:00pm

② Classes for the second semester are yet to be decided.
Homepage Online Japanese Language Course using Zoom | Hinata Nihongo Navi (English) (

Local Japanese language classes

OrganizerMiyazaki Prefectural Government
Miyazaki International Foundation
Location・Central Miyazaki: Shintomi Town
ContactMiyazaki International Foundation
Tel:0985-32-8457 /
Through cultural exchange between Japanese and foreign residents of Miyazaki, participants will learn Japanese phrases for use in daily life, when shopping, in the event of a disaster, and much more.
Classroom formatA Japanese language teacher and teaching assistants will teach participants using a groupwork-oriented approach.
TargetPeople from overseas living in Miyazaki
Dates & TimesEach region will have approximately 1 class per month
Classes will be on Saturdays or Sundays
Approx. 2 hours
*Please contact us for more detailed schedule.

Chiiki Nihongo Course(2024 session)@UoM

Location 3rd floor, University Library, Kibana Campus, University of Miyazaki (1-1, Gakuen-kibanadai-nishi, Miyazaki)
Contact Global Supprt Office, University of Miyazaki
■Starter Course(Nyumon):Learners can understand simple conversational exchanges about familiar everyday matters. The class is open for those who study Japanese for the first time.

■Elementary1 Course (Shokyu1):In the Elementary level, learners can express a range of topics directly related to their life, including their own backgrounds and personal circumstances. They also can express their opinions and reasons on topics of interest. The class is open for those who have completed the Starter Course.
※Textbooks will be lent to you by University of Miyazaki.
Target The courses are open to any resident in Miyazaki, including students, family members, housewives, office workers and technical intern trainees.
Dates & Times ■Starter Course(Nyumon)
Every Wednesday from 5:25 p.m. to 6:55 p.m.
July 3, 2024 – Around January 2025

■Elementary1 Course(Shokyu1)
Every Tuesday and Thursday, from 5:25 p.m. to 6:55 p.m.
July 2, 2024 – Around January 2025
Leaflets For more information, please click here.