土曜日 10:30~11:30 全6回
◇問合せ:(公財)宮崎県国際交流協会 miyainfo@mif.or.jp
We are recruiting volunteers to help with our English chat sessions. If you are interested in helping out, please get in touch!
◇Dates & Times:
January 11 th, 18 th, 25th, & February 1st , 8 th, 15 th
Saturdays 10:30am – 11:30am 6 sessions in total
◇Venue: Carino Miyazaki B1F
◇Who can Volunteer: Anyone who has no difficulty speaking English.
*You don’t have to be a native speaker to volunteer!
◇Transportation subsidy is provided.
◇Inquiries & Application: Miyazaki International Foundation miyainfo@mif.or.jp